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Nawa Open, 2008

By |2023-05-09T21:34:59+02:0025th May 2008|Categories: Event, Live, RopeMarks Ryu, Workshop|

Slowly, very slowly, life is getting back to normal; not there yet but getting there. More and more I catch myself thinking about future project instead of house-related subjects :) [...]


How long should my rope be?

By |2024-02-02T13:32:10+01:002nd February 2024|Categories: |

For Japanese style bondage the general consensus is to use rope that is approximately 8m long. This is not a hard number (something we will address in our workshops) and [...]


A quick rope bottoming guide for beginners (part 2/2): being in rope

By |2024-02-04T08:47:28+01:002nd February 2024|Categories: Article, General|Tags: |

What should beginning (or aspiring) rope bottoms know? This quick guide aims to present some answers to that question. It’s based on my personal experience of when I just started [...]


A quick rope bottoming guide for beginners (part 1/2): making your way into rope

By |2024-01-29T16:48:38+01:0029th January 2024|Categories: Article, General|Tags: |

What should beginning (or aspiring) rope bottoms know? This quick guide aims to present some answers to that question. It’s based on my personal experience of when I just started [...]



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